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Happiest of Holiest Weeks!

Writer's picture: HTLC & LCMHTLC & LCM

Happy Holy Week!

This week the whole catholic (catholic meaning “universal”) church celebrates the chief festival of the Church Year, the great Three Days, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil, also named The Triduum. We hope you can join us for worship for this one continuous three day worship service.

The Triduum is the chief festival of the Church Year.  All the seasons of the Church Year (Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost) share with us the story of Jesus, who he is and what he is all about, but I will make the case that without Easter it doesn’t make much sense.  Yes indeed, the passion, death and resurrection of Christ is a mystery, it defies logic, BUT if Jesus did rise from the dead, it changes how we see the world, if changes how we see ourselves and our neighbor, it changes how we see death itself. In reality, the resurrection of Christ changes everything.

We hope you can be a part of our community of faith for the whole season of Easter.

The season of Easter is a 50 day season that unpacks what the resurrection of Jesus means and the impact it has on those who claim to follow him. The season of Easter invites and challenges us to see and look for new life unfolding around us not just in the future but also here and now.

Where will you see new life unfolding in your midst over the course of this Easter Season? We hope you will engage our ministries here at Holy Trinity as we continue to grow in following Jesus and growing in what it means to “Love God, and Love our Neighbor”.

Here are some things coming up that I am excited about where I see new life unfolding in our midst…

Lutheran Campus Ministry – Over the last month I have had the privilege of hearing “senior reflections” on what Lutheran Campus Ministry means to the students who are involved. These have been powerful stories on the importance of community. We hope you can join us for LCM Sunday next Sunday, April 8th.

Crop Walk 2018 – Join us on Sunday April 22nd as we walk together to make a difference for those who wrestle with hunger.

Holy Trinity’s Stephen Ministry – We are training members of Holy Trinity to walk with and support members who are wrestling with life and grief.

Holy Trinity’s work in Faith and Science – Our STEAM (science and theology for emerging adult ministries) grant wraps up this spring BUT we have some cool ideas to keep this important conversation growing and moving forward.

ELCA Youth Gathering July 2018 – We have 14 Holy Trinity Youth preparing to go to the ELCA Youth Gathering in Houston this July. The theme for the Youth Gathering is “this changes everything!”  “This” meaning God’s love embodied in Jesus, the crucified and risen Christ.

May the crucified and risen Christ be will you in all and every season,

Pastor Will Rose



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